lessons from the passenger seat

When my husband found this old photo this week I was immediately transported back nearly 20 years. Back when there were only four of us. Back when these boys did whatever I asked.

We have done maybe 8 cross-country trips in these last 20 years, and we keep learning a lot of things every time we do. And our numbers have changed too. Our first trip was when we drove from VA to LA to start grad school in '89. There were just three of us then, and I would turn around and feed jarred plums and apricots to my nine-month old.

Through the years we added 3 more sons and a couple of dogs to our passenger list. Lots of visits to historical sites. Lots of eating on the road. Audio books. Jokes. Even arguments.

But through it all I learned a lot about my family. I learned how healthy it is to explore new things together. I learned that #4 will eat a burger with everything on it (thatta boy), and that #2 talks in his sleep (got that from his mama). I learned that Geo needs a little reassurance as we head east that he will still be important to me as I stay up until 2am laughing with my sister or reminiscing with my parents about growing up in the Huck Finn place that was my home town.

When I look at that photo of my little guys in the tall grass I think, Many things ahead, my sons. Many things.


Joanie | May 15, 2012 at 4:04 AM

I just love that photo! Great to have so many fond memories of the good ole days!

lesa | May 15, 2012 at 8:52 AM

When we lived in CA we traveled back and forth numerous times to Utah with little kids. Those times are some of my greatest memories and best learning moments!

Cute picture.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan | May 15, 2012 at 9:45 AM

That was a very visual post. I love it.

heather | May 15, 2012 at 12:11 PM

So, I saw this thing the other day where people take photos from their childhood, then re-enact the photo as adults, and I think this would be a fun photo for that. Get them together now, have them in the same position with their shirts off standing in a field of grass... It'd be awesome!

Marianne | May 15, 2012 at 1:59 PM

What a beautiful post. It makes me tear up a little to think of those carefree little boys, romping and playing and posing in the grass, with no idea of the adventures and heartaches that their futures hold.

Don't you wonder if, even at our age, we look like this to our Parents? Somewhat carefree and totally unaware of what lies ahead, both good and not as good.

I love the way your blog makes me think about things! Thank you!!

wendy | May 15, 2012 at 8:25 PM

AMAZING photo....pulls at your heartstrings for sure.
I have a few of those myself.
When I started out with just 2........and ended up with 5.
and all the events, and surprises, and let downs, and crisis' that happened between.
It is good to "remember these things' and I can soooo see the big smile on your face.
Because....you can sit and think, Job well done Kazzy.

Connie | May 15, 2012 at 9:42 PM

Great picture. I"m sure it did bring back lots of memories.
Families do learn a lot about each other while on a road trip.

Becca | May 16, 2012 at 9:25 PM

I want so much to be a better passenger-seat mom. I have lived my whole life up to now waiting TO GET OUT OF THE CAR. (I'm not being metaphorical. This isn't an invitation for an intervention.)

I want to love the journey better.

Anonymous | May 19, 2012 at 3:21 PM

I don't know if you're aware of how beautiful you are: your words, your vision, your heart. This post is full of incredible. I envy this life, a life of wild grasses and canned fruit and journeying. Like Becca said, I need to be a better passenger.

Lara Neves | May 22, 2012 at 6:06 AM

That is such a wonderful photo! Evocative.

I love road trips. I love the togetherness it brings to us. And we are taking a whopping road trip to Utah this summer and I really can't wait!

Karen Mello Burton | May 24, 2012 at 10:56 AM

When will you be in Utah??