day 218: running with a desk over your head

When my youngest, and gentlest, brother was going into the sixth grade, the brother just older than him warned him about Mr. Rinker.   

You'd better behave yourself or he will make you run around the track with a desk over your head.  He is really mean and nobody likes him.

At some point during Mr. Rinker's instruction he asked my brother a question, which was really not a very good idea.  Tony looked up at him and, remembering the warning from David, vomited all over his desk.  Nerves got the best of him as you might guess.  And as if there were some sort of digestive party line in action, the other two boys sitting near my brother then also vomited.  That poor custodian.

But the point is, how about that power of suggestion?  How about the way our minds can work us up to the point of making ourselves sick?  Or to the point of believing an untruth if it is told to us in just the right time and place?  A powerful thing, this suggestion.

I would like to think that the same can hold true of the power behind sincere praise.  Or the power behind encouragement.  I am hoping that the power of suggestion will work for one of my little princesses in my class.  I told her parents that she can do regular kindergarten with some help in resource, and with an occupational therapist.  They were shocked and got quite emotional about the whole thing.  And then I saw them buying it.  They were ready to let that power of suggestion lead them to a new way of thinking.  About something true.  Something hopeful.  Something entirely possible.  And there were no desks involved in the process, except for the one I get to sit behind while I speak to these great people.


Miss Tinselly | March 24, 2010 at 11:58 PM

ooooh Kazzy I think our minds are thinking similar thoughts. I just typed up a lovely post that I soon shall publish :)

Robin | March 25, 2010 at 12:37 AM

Sometimes all it takes is someone else to suggest a possibility and magic happens. Sometimes it's not evident for a while. The idea has to grow, the belief has to take root. I hope it grows quickly for this family. Nice gardening!

* | March 25, 2010 at 12:56 AM

The power of suggestion. I use it daily with my own 4 young children. It can be powerful.

You are in the right profession. From this post and your words, you are helping change lives. Can I have your job?

LisAway | March 25, 2010 at 2:17 AM

Wow. To be that nervous just because of something you were told. And switching it around is awesome. Sort of like the self-fulfilling prophecy. I need to remember to be more positive with my own kids. Thanks for this.

Connie | March 25, 2010 at 6:43 AM

Some things really are powerful! It's surprising how one person can make an impact on us, whether it be good or bad!
Watching someone vomit is also very powerful and impacts EVERYONE in a room!

Karen Mello Burton | March 25, 2010 at 7:27 AM

Terresa- I certainly love my job!

Connie- The power of regurgitation?

Mrs4444 | March 25, 2010 at 8:19 AM

So awesome. I love it!

CiCi | March 25, 2010 at 8:41 AM

I see the power of suggestion at work with the strong voices on radio and TV ads, saying something as if it were fact and so many people believe it. I agree with you that we can be loving and kind in encouragement and watch people cling to hope and become strong. Being nice and positive is such a better way to be in life, isn't it?

K and D Roylance | March 25, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Have read several of your posts...found through our dear missrobin. I also see your comments from time to time (and always enjoy them) as we follow a couple of the same blogs. Just wanted to thank you for sharing these things, even with those of us who may be strangers.

Juliana | March 25, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Great reminder, my friend! Thanks!

amber_mtmc | March 25, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Ewww!! Your poor son!! (And poor teacher!!)

The grossness gives this metaphor a tremendous boost! Turning something icky into something beautiful is truly remarkable, Kazzy!

What kind of special Ed. do you teach?

Karen Mello Burton | March 25, 2010 at 3:11 PM

Amber- Special Ed. kindergarten. Mild/moderate.

Kimberly Vanderhorst | March 25, 2010 at 4:35 PM

I love the thought of using this insight of yours in my home and life in general. It makes your words a gift, and inspiration to those around you. Oh wait, you do that with your blogging too!

Lara Neves | March 25, 2010 at 7:31 PM

The power of suggestion is wonderful. I have learned that as a mother. Unfortunately, I have not always learned it in positive ways. But I am learning.

kanishk | March 26, 2010 at 2:42 PM

I just typed up a lovely post that I soon shall publish :)
free internet jobs

Luann | March 29, 2010 at 6:13 AM

I agree 100%. When we tell someone we see good things in them, they are more likely to see it too.

P.S. LOL at "The power of regurgitation."

Lola Sharp | March 29, 2010 at 5:49 PM

I'm so glad that you are doing the job you do so well, and that you love. :o)

I love that you called her princess.
