i am all of these

I remember the first time my sweet grandmother (or Vo, as I called her) told me the story of her parents courting through the window of her mother's home for a full year.  My great-grandfather was not allowed in until that time had passed and his intentions were legitimate.  "This was the way in the old country," she said.  It was romantic to me.  The effort that went into winning her over.  When you know these things about your roots they are YOUR stories too, and you are able to think of yourself as much older than you appear on the calendar.  

I am little ladies with kerchiefed heads, and farmers who keep pigs.  I am hard-working immigrants who toil in woolen mills and tend to my children after a long day.  I am women who are devoted to family and culture. I am all of the people who have come before me.  This is my story.  

And this is why I am so excited about the Story @ Home Conference that is being held March 9-10 at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and the LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake City.  The event will be sponsored by Family Search and Cherish Bound and will be all about getting your story told.  No, it is not just an event for LDS people.  Many from all over are already buying tickets and making plans to come.  Trust me when I say it will be so worth your time.  Come and be a part of it!  Telling stories about your family is like figuring out who you are.  This is meaningful stuff, and I am excited about attending.  So, if you are a genealogist, a blogger, or simply someone who would like to become one of these mark your calendar now.

For more buzz about this event click here to visit the facebook page for the conference.  Or click here to register right now!


Unknown | January 16, 2012 at 10:08 AM

This is so beautiful! Thanks for this lovely, profound reminder.

CB | January 16, 2012 at 10:18 AM

Romantic indeed - Sigh....

I am excited to meet you at the conference Kazzy!!

Rachel Cotterill | January 16, 2012 at 11:35 AM

I love reading your stories - I hope you have a great time at the conference :)

Tauna | January 16, 2012 at 2:29 PM

Such a great story. It is going to be a great event. I look forward to seeing you.

Barbaloot | January 16, 2012 at 2:32 PM

What a great story!

Karen Mello Burton | January 16, 2012 at 4:54 PM

I am excited to meet you too, Cherie!

Connie | January 16, 2012 at 5:50 PM

I can picture your ancestors in my mind. I'll see you there!

LisAway | January 17, 2012 at 1:16 AM

Oh! I love it! The courtship through the window? Where did that idea go? It DOES sound romantic! Maybe not convenient, but it makes a lot of sense, too.

And we are everyone who went before us. I love the idea behind this conference!

wendy | January 17, 2012 at 11:20 PM

Oh Kazzy, I WISH I could come to that. Dang, my living so far away.
Dang, the price of airline tickets.
Dang, the stinking winter weather that makes car travel treacherous.

I LOVE family history, and like you I believe it is definetly what makes us part of WHO WE ARE.

Grumpy Grateful Mom | January 18, 2012 at 9:07 AM

I love the idea of courtship through the window. What a beautiful story from your grandmother. I just signed up for the conference last week!