think tank

It was warm in Phoenix. There was swimming and long walks and citrus. Glorious stuff. The down time was good. The big soft king-sized bed in the house we rented was fabulous. Time with the family. The pool. The temple. All awesome.
Those 22 hours of the round trip also was good. I slept in the back seat with my son's head in my lap. I listened to a Terry Pratchett audio book. And I thought about things. What do I need to do to be even happier? How can I help my husband? What is the best and most appropriate way to be supportive of my married son and his sweet wife (and upcoming baby!)?
It is good for the head and heart to re-examine. It is good to have a forced time to do it.
With the Knudsen family who were celebrating their 50th anniversary
The gang minus me at the Mesa Temple
Speaking in church? Yikes. That totally deserves a trip to Phoenix. It is so cool that you would go and support them.
They look so darling and in love.
Glad you had a good time.
Are you back to real life?
What a very neat and sweet relationship! Also such a cute couple - well all of you :-D
How fun to get away and relax and enjoy friends and family, and the sun and a comfy king sized bed. And I have to agree that a long car trip is a good place to think about the universe.
Welcome Home and Happy New Year!
You spoke in Church? Wow, that is something. Our ward does something a little different. We sing and there is a narration done by someone between the songs.
Glad you got to go on a trip to Phoenix. Looks like a memory filled trip.
What a nice way to spend time with those who love you.
Congratulations on the up-coming grandmahood! It's wonderful! I can still say that after being with grandkids nonstop for the past week!
Sounds like a wondeful trip. It is a wonderful feeling to be loved. Congrats on becoming a grandma soon. I have a feeling you are going to love it.
What a perfect after-Christmas trip! And a neat relationship you have with the Knudsens! That's just lovely.
That's just mean that they asked you to speak in church on Christmas. But hooray for a new grandbaby!! Congrats to the whole family:)
Speaking on Christmas! Nice.
What a sweet couple! I love that they loved you even when is didn't work out with their son. I need to take some more re-examining time this month.
Such a fun trip. And speaking in church is cool. I got to be the speaker on Mother's Day. I think they'd planned for a few youth speakers to jump in there, but only one made it. She did a lovely job and left the rest to me. But it was cool. Really. I bet you were perfect. I wish I could have heard it.
interesting how things turn out.
22 hours is a long drive......I have done a few of those in my day.
When Matt passed away, hubby and I drove 16 straight hours to Utah. IT INDEED was a time for me to reflect and think. Those 16 hours seemed to go very quickly for me (however hubby thought it was quite grueling)
glad you had a good time in sunny, warm Arizona. Matt and his family lived for a couple of years in Prescott, which is about an hour north of Phoenix.
I love long road trips, especially with my husband. Add Terry Pratchett? Perfect. I spoke on New Years Day, at our new meeting time of 9:00, meaning no one was there or awake to hear me. Good planning on the bishop's part.
A warm get-away sounds pretty fun right now. Hope you are having a great new year. Feel free to pop over & enter my clock giveaway. It's a great prize. Good luck!
Warmly, Michelle
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