january music, installment numero uno

Click on the song title below to hear a little Spanish tragic love song I recorded tonight.  What can I say?  These rip-your heart-out ones are always more beautiful to the ear.  I will include the English lyrics too, for those of you that are not bilingual.  Tomorrow look for another musical post.

Kazzy's voice has been silenced by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(see the details here). Sorry you can't listen to her sing directly. But send her a message and she'll try to work something out.

Si Volvieras A Mi

Como sobrevivir como calmar mi sed
Como seguir sin ti como saltar sin ver
Con ese adiós tan salvaje y cruel
Me deshojaste la piel
La eternidad en final se quedo
Y un desierto... es mi corazón...

Ay si volvieras a mi
Encendería el sol mil primaveras
Si regresaras por mi
Seria un milagro cada beso que me dieras
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atrás

que abra después de ti
Mas que estas lagrimas
Si hasta la lluvia en el jardín
Toca música sin fin...
Sombría y trágica...
Hoy de rodillas le pido a dios
Que por el bien de los dos
Algo en tu pecho se quiebre al oír
A este loco que se muere de amor...

Ay si volvieras a mi
Encendería el sol mil primaveras
Si regresaras por mi
Seria un milagro cada beso que me dieras
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atrás

Y desataste un huracán
Fuego y furia de un volcán
Que no se apagar...
Como olvido que fui
Esclavo de ti... ya no puedo más...

Ay si volvieras a mi vida, si volvieras
Si regresaras por mi
Seria feliz otra vez
Pero hoy te vas
Y no hay vuelta atrás

How to survive
How to calm my thirst
How can I continue without you
How can I jump without a net [to catch me]
With that farewell so savage and cruel
You took away all I had
Time came to a halt
And my heart is now a desert

Oh if you came back to me

The sun would raise 1000 spring times
If you but came back to me
Every kiss you gave me would be miraculous
But today you’re gone
And there is no turning back

What is there after you?

More than these tears
Like the rain in a garden
Playing endless music,
Cold and tragic.
Now on bended knee I plead to God
That for the good of us both
Something might break inside you when you listen
To this idiot dying of love

Oh if you came back to me

The sun would raise 1000 spring times
If you but came back to me
Every sight of me would be miraculous.
But today you are gone
And there is no return for us

You let loose a hurricane,

The fire and fury of a volcano
That I don't know how to stem
Being the fool that I was
A slave to you
I just can't do that anymore.

Oh if you would just come back to my life,

if you come back
If you returned me,
I would be happy once again
But today you are gone
And there is no turning back.


amber_mtmc | January 2, 2011 at 7:47 PM

Kazzy, I LOVE this song!! You have the uncanny sense of recording songs that I want to hear...

: )

Karen Mello Burton | January 2, 2011 at 8:00 PM

Good to hear! I am glad you liked it, Amber. Hope you are well.

Connie | January 2, 2011 at 9:52 PM

I listened to this on your music box and fell in love! Your voice, the music, it's all beautiful.
Are you singing every day in January? That will be cool!

LisAway | January 3, 2011 at 12:22 AM

LOVE THAT!! I'd forgotten how much I love "Spanish tragic love songs"! This one is just beautiful. Your voice of course, the tragic lyrics and the music which is hopeful and despondent by turns.

Since I don't know this song, but it reminded me of one I love, Vivir Sin Aire will be going through my head all day (by Mana). Love that.

Bossy Betty | January 3, 2011 at 9:06 AM

So pretty--from the first to the last. Gorgeous voice, Kazzy!

mermaid gallery | January 3, 2011 at 10:00 AM

really lovely....there is something about tragedy sung in Spanish that just really works. Your voice is so beautiful! ...a lovely treat.....

Erin | January 3, 2011 at 10:28 PM

That was just beautiful. I loved the piano at the very beginning.

Ninety-Nine Lives | January 9, 2011 at 2:42 PM

Ah! My roommate, who just left for Mexico, absolutely loves this song. Hearing it reminded me of her! Thanks for posting!