
Six eyes to look outside and check the weather. Come back and report to the class.

Then those same eyes stare up at me asking,

"How will you teach me today?"
"Will we sing?"
"Can I paint my picture of the fish?"

You pull off your shoes and put your socks on your hands and wave to me from your seat, and I just smile, because really, who wouldn't?

You are my morning reward.


Unknown | September 25, 2011 at 5:37 PM
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Anonymous | September 25, 2011 at 6:05 PM

so sweet and happy. :)

CiCi | September 25, 2011 at 6:13 PM

Lovely reward for coming to work ready to do your job as you focus on the children. You don't get enough rewards. So a child's enthusiasm is a blessing.

mermaid gallery | September 25, 2011 at 8:44 PM

kids are great!...little reminders to remember that.....

Stacy | September 25, 2011 at 9:17 PM

I love your new look.

And I also love checking in here and reading of your love for you work, for your students. It gives me inspiration.

Stacy | September 25, 2011 at 9:17 PM

I love your new look.

And I also love checking in here and reading of your love for you work, for your students. It gives me inspiration.

Valerie | September 25, 2011 at 9:18 PM

What a precious little face! Reward, indeed.

Lara Neves | September 25, 2011 at 9:35 PM

What a happy picture!

I love how much you love what you do. Like Stacy says, it gives me inspiration, too.

Connie | September 25, 2011 at 10:35 PM

That does my heart good to see that little weather person face.
Enjoy the year!

Handsfullmom | September 25, 2011 at 11:57 PM

Reading this made me smile.

LisAway | September 26, 2011 at 12:14 AM


Momza | September 26, 2011 at 8:21 AM


Momza | September 26, 2011 at 8:21 AM

And also--what on earth could DeNae have written to have been censored?! lol

Ann Marie | September 26, 2011 at 8:37 AM

You are a lucky chic to be surrounded by such spirits daily!!

Bossy Betty | September 26, 2011 at 9:03 AM

Love those rewards--they are the most precious!

Becca | September 26, 2011 at 9:29 AM

Preciousness. I love the six eyes. There are occasions for six eyes at our house, too. And I love how you teach us what you teach them... and teach us how to see it.

Marianne | September 26, 2011 at 9:51 AM

I am so glad that you love what you do. What a blessing.

Karen Mello Burton | September 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM

DeNae left a misspelling and asked me to erase her message. LOL You know, the smart reputation and all.

CB | September 26, 2011 at 2:48 PM

I can picture that in my mind - Wonderful!

Joanie | September 26, 2011 at 6:05 PM

Oh so sweet! I just want to squeeze those cute little cheeks!

Unknown | September 27, 2011 at 5:23 AM

So sweet!

Roxy | September 27, 2011 at 11:06 AM

Great rewards, indeed! Kids are the best, happiest friends to have. Loved this post, Kazzy.

wendy | September 27, 2011 at 10:04 PM

such a cute picture
and funny how sometimes our best rewards come is such unexpected packages