I go on and on about the power blogging has had in my own life, to the point where my non-blogging friends may think I have finally gone over the edge. But really, they don't understand the beauty of connecting with people in a way that fills me up without tiring me out. Blog connections are great because everyone who blogs understands that we also have real lives, so we may pop in and out of their comment stream when things are crazy. But, we may also meet up for dinner (like I did last night) at a cool restaurant, and talk like we are neighbors. It has opened up new worlds for me, and I love that.
My butternut squash ravioli |
Acai seed bracelets I brought for my blog friends
Missing: A photo of my soul sistah DeNae | | | | | | | | | |
But beyond my personal fulfillment there are bigger things blogging can accomplish. On my drive up to SLC for my dinner last night I was listening to NPR and heard
this amazing story about a blogger from Cuba. Brave and beautiful and inspiring.
This is powerful stuff, people. Join me.
Aaaah! I missed it! Considering my house and everything in it is contaminated with strep throat, you ladies are probably all the better for it.
And I'm right there with ya on the blogging thing.
Some of my most favorite people!
It was so wonderful to meet you last night, what a lucky connection and I wish we'd met sooner!
Looks like a fun time. How could it not be with DeNae and Annie?
I'm nearly insane from jealousy.....or happiness that you were able to go and take a picture of butternut ravioli stuff.
I have to agree about the blogging thing. Weird to the non-bebloggers out there, but so true.
Glad you had a good time. Wish there was a CBC this year. It would be great to have a good excuse to go to Utah and meet up with some fabulous people again.
It's weird to talk about people I've never met as if they are my best friends. I feel a connection to those bloggers that I follow. How fun that you were able to meet these ladies.
Looks like a fun evening with new friends, and good food.
I knew them all, except Annie, and was glad to see them again. Now I can add her to the list of fab people I have met blogging.
Thank you so much for coming over to my little blog....I am writing something very special for tomorrow...I hope you can come back..
thank you again!
I know I feel like I know my blogger authors...sort of like the people from Modern family are my family too!
I was there! I was there! But I was too late to get my picture taken. WHEW! It was so awesome to see you all! You're so dear to me!
So I clicked to hear the awesome story from NPR and it took me to ... my blog. Is that ironic? Or narcisistic?
Uh oh. Lol.
Fixed the link. Duh...
I went to my first ever blogger meet up this week!
This blogging thing...so awesome!
Looks like an incredible group~ glad you all had a great time.
Wow, what a cool blog story. I want to buy that book.
HUGS! And ditto to everything you said about blog friends. Dinner ROCKED. I alway love basking in your cool vibe.
And that's a cute pic of me, btw. ;)
I am with ya on blogging. I have learned alot about my self thanks to blogging.
FUN!!! Yes, blogging and having friends that you had never met in real life is something people who don't blog can't quite understand. But it's such an awesome thing. Your dinner looks just lovely with great ladies!
I really couldn't agree more! I wish I still lived in Utah so I could join in on these little get together things people have!
It was SUCH a fun dinner. I love ya, lady!
I TOTALLY get it. You said it well :)
Wow, Deb and Annie AND Melanie! So fun! And THEY got to hang out with you. All very lucky girls.
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