showing up
It happened again yesterday. I sat right here where I am sitting now, in my classroom, and was inspired by parents who are doing hard things.I was moved by one sweet father's comments about the importance of showing up to things for his children. I got a little choked up. And after I suggested it was his destiny to be the father of four children with disabilities because he was the right man for the job, he said in his strong hispanic accent, "I love my destiny."
See, for our Christmas program in December we had two children whose parents didn't show. After three invitations sent home and personal phone calls made to each house. I realize that there are always work obligations or unavoidable barriers, but these are my kids. And I love them, so I get protective of their soft little souls. And when one little girl stood there after our final musical number, while everyone was mingling and eating sugar cookies and sharing stories, and she cried and said, "But where's MY mommy?".... sigh.
So I soak up these parents who figure out some way to make things work. I applaud them and I give them huge hard pats on the back. It's hard enough to make logistics work so that you can show up to things physically for your kids. When you can also show up emotionally you earn the heart-felt respect of the teacher.