prayer answered on the nightstand
My husband and boy #2 are having an adventure hiking King's Peak this week, so I am here with my youngest two boys. We have had a good week with time together, just the three of us, that we don't always get.But I was just lying here in bed, alone, wondering about my oldest son. The one I worried about 5 years ago. The one that used to get under my skin and inside my heart almost in the same second. He has been serving as assistant to the mission president for the past couple of months, and due to the vast amounts of traveling he has to do each week (the Kenya Nairobi mission covers the countries of Kenya and Tanzania) we do not always hear from him on his regular preparation day. I am usually okay with this, knowing he is doing important work, but this week I have been missing him a bit and hoping all is well on his side of the earth.
My phone buzzes telling me I have gotten an email at 11:51 pm, and before reaching over to the nightstand I say a quick silent prayer that it is from Perry, my African son. I wanted to share with you some of his experience. Please forgive the length. I tried and tried to edit the email, but couldn't do it.

The weekend consisted of driving to Eldoret for zone conference and then spending time with the missionaries there on exchanges. The drive is quite fun in the rain, there are many dirt diversions from the main highway (mucho construction-o). I didn't want to get our truck stuck as we drove through a giant puddle so I floored it. The tidal wave literally went over the whole front of our truck and ran down the roof onto the back shell's window. Boys will be boys.
We made it there and back safe, nothing too out of the ordinary except for that we didn't even get stopped by the police on the way. Western Kenya is the bread basket of the country, we stopped and bought 10Kgs of potatoes for 200 shillings (about US $2.50). That was pretty awesome.
The water situation is not getting any better. My companion and I spent close to 8,000 shillings (US $100) on water storage tanks that we are going to hand out and use to help missionaries. They say that there is also a food shortage on the horizon. And power as well. Sometimes I just have to laugh and shake my head. The people here don't complain much though, I have to hand it to them for persevering.
Yesterday Elder Paulo and I went up to the Kilungu Hills, about a three hour drive south of Nairobi, to check on a newly formed branch there. The Mitini branch has boasted of having investigators' classes twice a week (there are no full time missionaries stationed there so the branches have to be self relient when it comes to missionary work). President Taylor asked us to comply with the branch president's request to visit. We drove up the mountains in a thick fog. It's very cold up there. The Kamba tribe has inhabited all of the surrounding mountainsides, terracing the hills to grow maize, bananas, etc. In a building (just a step above a 'shack' in my book because it's made of stone) on a peak in the middle of nowhere there is a branch. We taught investigators' classes, each of us going to one, from ten to noon. Without stopping. All of my class was in Kikamba, their tribal language. The second counselor in the branch presidency was my translator. The average age of my students was probably 50+. They were little, weathered grandmas with leathered faces and sunken eyes. There were also a few men there. Despite the cold all they had were colorful sheets ("kangas") to wrap themselves in. I taught, as simply as I could, about God, prophets, the family, and the gospel. I made them repeat (several times) back to me the five principles of the gospel. Many of them knew little-to-nothing of common Christianity. It was a peculiar experience for sure, though very powerful. They are such good people there. They live simple lives without all of the distractions and stresses of our city lives. Buses only go up there once a week (Tuesdays) so they are disconnected from any of the nearby cities on the highway to Mombasa.
We saw a giraffe on the drive back from the Hills. Just right near the road, chomping away on a tree.
I love you all. The Church is true, and Jesus DOES live. I know it.
Wise beyond his years. These experiences will be a great blessing in his life! Glad you included a picture.
Wow. What a neat peek into his experience. Wow.
I totally hear him about the proselyting missionaries doing the teaching. There's a reason senior missionaries couples don't proselyte. Not that they don't sometimes say just the right thing, of course, but I absolutely believe God knows what he's doing sending the little guys to do the tricky stuff.
I love missionaries.
Gosh-having a missionary son must be hard, but I feel like it'd be even MORE difficult in a scary place like Africa! He sounds like a great kid-thanks for sharing his letter.
Also, I have a brother named Perry. What fun:)
That was really cool to read his experiences. I love reading missionary letters...they are always so faith promoting and really make me want to be a better member.
I never understood why my mom waited on pins and needles for our next letters as missionaries, but now that I have my own kids, I totally get it.
Wow. I just read this to my husband. What an incredible experience he's having.
Reading this makes me hope that maybe the Lord may change the heart of my son, that he may go and serve a mission. I loved reading about his experince.
"The one I worried about 5 years ago. The one that used to get under my skin and inside my heart almost in the same second. "
As I read this, I said 'Wow, there is another mother out there that may understand what I am going through with my son right now'
He drives me nuts, yet I love him so much.
Great post.
A fellow I grew up with served a mission in a similar part of the world. It was amazing to see him grow up through his letters. To this day he remains one of the kindest hearted men I know. Something about seeing how people live in such a part of the world forever changed him.
So glad you finally heard from your son. LOVED the email from him. That is seriously great. I am in awe of missionaries (even though I was one once and know how dorky they really are). Happy for you!
That is so great to read. What a great and growing experience he is having!!
What a beautiful letter. I can't wait for my kids to go. . .
What an AWESOME letter from Perry. He is SO well-spoken like both of his brilliant parents. I would like to meet him sometime. Kaz, You are fab. That is SO cool that You would share this. What a great kid-with a GREAT MOM and Dad. :-)
p.s. That is SO beyond cool. I WANNA SEE A GIRAFFE!!!! :-D
Why did this not show up in my reader? I'm confused.
Anyway, what an amazing opportunity for him to be in Kenya and experiencing all of these things. (And I'm so glad you got your prayer answered too.)
He writes so incredibly well, hard to picture him as a young 19 or 20! I loved reading his email, he sounds fantastic, I loved it! I'm sure it just warmed your heart all over!
His work is clearly important and meaningful. I'm glad you heard from him :)
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