day 363: finding relief in the unbelievable heat
Geo has insisted that we get away and that I relax. What can I say? He takes care of me. Here are a few shots of the past few days we spent in Vegas (I am kicking myself that I didn't remember to take a photo the night we went to dinner with DeNae from, and her husband). We hung out at the pool, ate good food, and spent time together. Man, I needed a change of venue.

What a great change and I'm glad to see you taking him up on the vaca! Sorry your hot but really, you need to feel the heat with our humitity!! It really sucks hot air in a big way!
I'm so glad you were able to get away and get some good ole R&R. We all need that now and again. Enjoy your time. :)
Looks like fun .....summer is for having fun after all!
A little reprieve before it all starts again! Glad you had the chance to relax.
Great getaway! and I love DeNae's write up about your visit. Oh my.
I hope you got the R&R you need to be ready for school to start again! :)
Was that last picture of THE Pawn shop?
Cool that you could get away.
I read DeNae's account of your get together.
Sounds like it was a scream.
You have some cute guys that are hangin' out with you.
What a great hubby you have. A trip to Vegas sounds amazing, and just what YOU needed. I am however really jealous though...a trip to the "Pawn Stars" Pawn shop, love it! Did you guys go in?
What a good guy. Looks like the time away was good for you.
Sounds like fun!
Gotta love Vegas. I hope you saw lots of strippers.
Looks fun! Thanks for ditching Per and I when we need help with doing announcements!! I'm upset. Just kidding.
I am glad you got to have some R& please help us!! I beg of you
Good for you! I hope you feel renewed and refreshed.
Glad to hear that you are relaxing for a few days, before the fun begins. Hope you have a great start to the new year.
Love the picture of you in the glasses - you look so suave. =D
We're about to take off on our own little jaunt (which is why I haven't been around this week - oi, so much to do!). Hope it turns out as sweet as yours!
How fun! Good for you!
K--please tell Gid to communicate with my husband about the need for spontaneous get-aways....I think Dennis could learn a lot from "Mr. Kazzy!" LOVE you guys!!
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