
Thanks to LisAway for the award this morning. Wow! I am honored to be recognized. And isn't it great to find something you love to do, and to meet new friends while doing it?
This award is to be given to someone who seems to make the world feel smaller. It is to be given to someone who demonstrates friendship, and who doesn't seek out or care about winning awards.
But I am bending the rules a tad and giving one to a single post and one to a complete blog. Hope that's okay.
For the single post, I chose someone who is humble and thoughtful, and who really floored me with a recently honest post, found here. Ladyhawker is one of those bloggers that uses her artistic talents to literally give you a picture of what she is thinking about. Last summer when her grandfather was missing for a month she posted photos, maps, pleas for help. She is amazing. And the comments she leaves are very well-developed and sincere.
For the complete blog, I chose DUNHAVEN PLACE. Every time I read Heidi's blog I feel like she is someone I know. She has been a good example of someone who has taken some difficult situations and grown from them. She is funny, but not to a point where she hides behind her humor. It is genuine and enjoyable. And when she takes a more serious angle she is terrific too. I always laugh at her responses to her comments! She is making connections over and over again with people that read her blog. That is a great thing!
Thanks again, Lisa, and thanks to everyone who has become a friend to me here blogging. You women are amazing, and you have added real texture to my life. And yes, Lisa, we will meet here in Utah someday!
Yes, blogging is terrific. And you forgot to tell me that, yes, you will meet me some day when I'm visiting it Utah.
And good choices for who to award! I'm going to head on over to Ladyhawk's post now. (love the idea of awarding a post)
I just came over from Lisaway's blog. You ARE awesome!
Ahhh, Kazzy! How sweet! I love it! Thank you! sniff sniff
Aww, thanks for the honor! I'd pass this award right back to you. Am I allowed to do that? Maybe we can start some kind of mutual admiration society. :)
And you slept until 9? Lucky!
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