6th folder 6th photo

I was tagged by Charrette this morning in a meme that asks us to post the sixth photo in our sixth folder of photos. The one that came up from my folder was a photo of a line of marching African ants, which may have been of interest to some of you. However, I went with the seventh photo in that folder, which is of my son Perry, who currently lives in Kenya as he is serving a mission for our church. This is a picture of him as he is talking to us on Mothers' Day 2008, five months after leaving. Yes, I bent the rules a teensy bit, but hey, it's my son!
;-) Rule bender.
And can I just say what everyone is thinking and say "glad you did!" What a great picture! How neat to get to "see" him while he was talking to you. Look at that smile on his face! (and I love the curtains in the background . . .)
That's great :) But I would also have been interested in the ants...
Rules are made to be broken:)
Great picture......however, now I want to see the ants, since you brought it up.....
Wow! That means he has been out a year now--with just a year to go. I bet Kenya would be an interesting place to serve a mission!!
Um, you have a son on an LDS mission? You don't look like you could possibly be old enough to have a son that age. You look 30 max.
Thanks, Summer, but this photo doesn't show the little lines that are creeping in around my eyes!
I love it that you bent the rules. That seventh picture is a special one!
At least it was only the tag rules, and not mission rules. That picture got me all teary-eyed thinking about how one day my kids could be big enough to be calling me on Mother's day from their missions.
Ah, I'm SO GLAD you chose this one instead. I still remember that "chocolate voice" post you wrote, about talking to him...and here's a visual to go along.
I'm all about cheating...as long as it's for everyone's mutual benefit, and not like Reed adding points to his score! ;-D
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