creepy crawlies
Some of you seemed more interested than I would have been in the "African ants" photo, so here are two of them. Yes, I am throwing you a bone! They are moving so fast in this one at the bottom that they are a blur. Nightmarish!

"It's never too late to become who you could have been."
bwaahhaaaa! You are so funny! (shhh! I wasn't here . . .)
Hey, Heidi wasn't at my blog today, too! (no, I don't mean either)
Yikes! A river of ants. I am not much of a fan of ants. When we go for walks through the forest there are patches where there are so many ants that if you stand still for even a second they climb on you and they are red and they bite. We march quickly through those parts. It's kind of fun, except for the ants.
EWWWWW!!!! But thanks for sharing!!
And what the what??? I swear I just saw Heidi....
You see, some of us have never seen that many ants :p
The most I've seen was at my ex's house when there was a dead spider in a cupboard and they were bringing it out a leg at a time... yuck...
Ugh. Just think of it. If they had a notion, they could carry us away into oblivion! It is amazing what those critters can do. They are nothing to sniff at. Perry looks SO much more benign. lol.
I'm still shivering. You can almost see them moving. (shiver)
Thanks for responding to your reader's wants.
That is werid how fast they are going! Creepy is right!!!
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