bollywood before bed

One thing our family is known for is a love of all things Indian (as in Gandhi). It all started when my husband went to India in the Summer of 2004 to check on some BYU students doing field studies in various subjects. They were working on all kinds of projects ranging from anthropology to economics. Little did we know how life-changing his experience would be, mostly for him, but also for our whole family. Eight months later Geo was called as the bishop, and we both are convinced that these 40 days in India served as his own 40 days in the wilderness in preparation for his new responsibilities. As a matter of fact, when G stepped off the plane and was walking toward us in his white linen Indian tunic and his beard, 15 lbs lighter than when we last saw him, one of my sons said, "Daddy looks like Jesus." I am in no way saying he had become Jesus, only that he had suffered a bit and had seen very poor people that he had grown to love over the almost-six-weeks that he was gone. He had been incredibly humbled and changed, and had a difficult time speaking in specifics about certain experiences he had had, not necessarily because they were all depressing. Quite the contrary. He had seen extreme humility in conjunction with beautiful demonstrations of humanity. He was moved right down to the bottom of his sweet and sensitive soul. In another post I will write about some of these moments.

Since Geo's return we have been fans of that faraway place. We love Indian food, Indian people, Indian culture, and Indian films, often known as Bollywood movies. The clothing, the colors, the dancing. There is always dancing, whether it is a comedy, an action film, an historical piece. Somehow the characters always find a way to take a break from the storyline just long enough for a percussion-filled dance fest. It is fantastic! A celebration of life. And after watching a few of these films, and catching the bug, it seems completely normal to see a corrupt business man suddenly transported to a mountainside where he sings a song as beautiful women dance with him. You come to expect the dance scenes to sneak in at any moment, and they often do. It is such a cool phenomenon. So this week we have rewarded the kids. If they can be all the way ready for bed by 8ish then they get to watch some Bollywood with Dad before the final tuck in. You have never heard six boy feet move so fast up and down the stairs.



CHERRANNE | March 26, 2009 at 12:15 AM

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :-D HOW COOL. Hey, can I come and see one if I am ready for bed by Eightish????
Ummmmmmmmm,Yeah. Impossible. LOL.
Let's watch one sometime anyway, Kaz. P.S. What a cool opportunity for Gideon. :-) India fascinates Me! I have been to the Bombay House two or three times with the Sargents. Love it. I Would love to go to India myself and eat Indian food THERE.

LisAway | March 26, 2009 at 2:05 AM

Gandhi is one of my very favorite Indian "things" (as per your opening sentence). That is so neat. The 40 days. I look forward to reading more about his experiences.

Greg loves Bollywood movies. Maybe one day I will, too. :) I'll try harder now that you explained them so nicely here.

Connie | March 26, 2009 at 6:37 AM

"I bow to you" too. It's time for me to check out a bollywood film. If it gets boys ready for bed by 8, there must be quite a draw...or is it that they get to spend some time with dad? Anxiously waiting to hear of Gid's experiences in India.

Luann | March 26, 2009 at 6:45 AM

A little bit of your family's enthusiasm for all things Indian has leaked across the street and found me too. For example, I would never have known the delights of chicken korma and mango lassi if it weren't for you.

I'm sure you already know this, but Holi, the Festival of Colors, is this Saturday at the Krisna temple in SF.

Karen Mello Burton | March 26, 2009 at 6:54 AM

The festival of colors is a really cool celebration. We are also trying to fit in a production of MacBeth on campus (set in Central America...interesting, huh?) And then we have guests coming for dinner. Indian food actually. :) We always overbook ourselves, but these are all good things.

Heidi | March 26, 2009 at 8:28 AM

I am so looking forward to hearing more about this!

Melanie Jacobson | March 26, 2009 at 8:38 AM

My brother and his girlfriend spent about six weeks travelling India after my parents died. They loved it. Actually, I think I'll email you the link to the blog they kept while they were there. They're both into photography so it's mostly pictures and maybe your husband will enjoy them.

Linde | March 26, 2009 at 2:56 PM

That sounds like a fun tradition. I saw comments after the Oscars about Slumdog Millionair and how the kids had to go back to living in the slums...can't imagine how hard that would be! At least Hollywood had arranged for them to go to school etc.

wendy | March 26, 2009 at 8:56 PM

What an amazing opportunity --I be he had some amazing experiences in India. Your husband is a BISHOP. wow-------------that makes you a bishops wife, is that alot of pressure?? My brother is a Bishop.

Joanie | March 26, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Maybe we can start some Bollywood activities in our classroom to get out kids motivated to do a few things.

Little GrumpyAngel | March 29, 2009 at 2:43 PM

How awesome. I've never seen a Bollywood movie even though I have a couple of friends of Indian heritage. I think you've inspired me to start watching.

Hey, I love your fam room. It looks so contemporary.

Garrett Garb | April 10, 2009 at 8:41 PM

hi its Garrett Bradford you know me from gray i like your blog.