Busy busy week full of family and friends and fun and food and shopping. I am happily exhausted.

Last day of school for my boys on Friday.

My sweet MIL decorating graves on Memorial Day.

Number 4 and Number 3 in the perfect climbing tree at the Holladay Cemetery.

Number 4 getting his Arrow of Light.

My handsome cub scout.

Number 2 graduates from high school. In-laws on left. My parents on right.

Saying goodbye to my coworkers after three awesome years together.

My mom took me for a manicure at the end of the week. Purple sparkly things make me happy.
Monday I am off on my 12-day road trip to the east coast and back, but I will be bringing the laptop and hope to blog along the way.

Ooh-have so much fun on your road trip---and drive safe!
Also, I'm jealous of that climbing tree.
A perfect way to end the week with purple sparkly nails.
Thanks again for the beautiful picture as it is a perfect gift and I just love it. Now have to find the perfect place to hang it.
Hope you have the most wonderful vacation. I'll be looking forward to your vacation blogs.
Great pictures! You have had a super busy and exciting week! Do you feel emotionally drained from all that has happened?
I hope you have a fantastic trip! Those purple tipped fingernails are going to look awesome wrapped around a steering wheel!
Be safe!
Your photos are great. Have a good trip!
a 12 day road trip to the east coast ---HOW FUN!!! can't wait to hear about it.
you had a busy week for sure
so much to celebrate in our lives, isn't there? Congrats to the boys, and good luck on your trip! :)
Wow, that's quite a week! (less than!) The road trip sounds like fun! I love time spent in the car! Have a great time (and be safe).
How fun is that!!!?? Love the pics and ESPECIALLY the nails! It's gonna be crazy next year without your ladies you're so used to ... let me know if I can help with anything!
Who drew the sketches of the three of you? Really neat! And your sons all looks so handsome! I love the red hair on #2!
Looks like you had a great week! How fun to cram it all in.
Have a great time on your trip. Looking forward to hearing about it!!
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