not just doing everything, but doing everything so that the flow is good and the one thing complements the other.not just cramming as much in as is humanly possible, but realizing time is finite when it comes to hours in a day.
not just saying yes to everything, but being disciplined enough to say no sometimes.
not feeling guilty for all you didn't do, but feeling good about all you did do.
this is integration.

*just an attempted visualization of the pieces of my life.
It sounds like you have found a good balance.
Acceptance of what you achieve. It looks like a full day on the Kazzyplate.......everyday.
You are amazing.
Exactly. It's a delicate balance that I'm learning to weigh as I go.
Please, come teach me.
Balance is a hard thing to learn. I still don't have it figured out but I keep on trying.
Perfect! I love your definition...and need to be reminded of so many of those details...I'm way too hard on myself sometimes!
i certainly do not have it mastered, but I figure that if I write things or say things outloud they become more real!
another Amen from me...
working on that guilt thing still... thinking that if I can just accomplish that one more thing today maybe that will be enough?
luckily I have small ones that remind me that if we've managed to survive our day until the prayer and story at the end - that is enough for them.
Those last two---those are the big ones I think.
Seeing your daily planner flooded me with memories. You just keep learning as you go.
Brilliant! I would also call it balanced.
Love this post!
I love how you put that. Integration...yes...that is so the word for it.
And that family picture...wowza. LOVE.
How do you always know what I need to learn? I have worked hard on this whole balance/saying no/perfectionism issue and I'm still nowhere close.
You have managed to put what needs to be done and why perfectly in just a few sentences
Thank you. Again!
Love this. I say "no" all the time, in fact, I'm trying to encourage myself to come around to "yes" again. In time.
Love the snapshots of integration in your life.
I'm getting better at the "no" part these days. Love your insights here.
And it's the most elusive goal in life.
Sounds like you've got it! Won't it be nice to cut the cord to BYU so you don't have to video yourself teaching!
Discussing healthy ways to live helps us all. Nice post and I wish you continued success.
You didn't know you were writing this just for me, did you?
I've been thinking about this lately... I'm thinking I'm ready to start trying to make the facets of my life work together instead of against one another. How to do that is another question entirely... :)
I need to work harder on my integration-ness.
love the photo of everyone jumping in the air.
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