carrots anyone?

We wear fuzzy bunny ears in our class. Not everyONE and not everyDAY. Each month we change what the kids wear on their heads when they are the helpers. But this month we are all about bunny ears. Easter, you know.
One of the things I love about our class is that when a big (read:husky) Hispanic boy decides he wants to wear the pink bunny ears nobody laughs about it. We strap those ears on and suddenly he takes on the mantle of the helper. No snickering from the kids. They are just happy to be there, and to let each person be. It has been a great lesson to me about acceptance.
Another lesson I have learned in my transitional kindergarten class is if you cut in front of someone in line to get a drink of water you might get punched really hard right in the middle of the back.
Ha ha! I'm laughing out loud about the punching in the back. Although, I suppose such violence isn't really that funny? :)
Cool that they don't care what the ears look like, they just know what they mean, and that's all that matters. :)
Yep, kids (for the most part) are very accepting at that fast it changes.
Then, after the punch in the back, there's a lot of tattling. But we work those little rugrats so hard, they've got to drink...or they'll die!
Oh yes, and those bunny ears. I wonder what that husky lad will do 3 years from now when offered pink, fuzzy, bunny ears to wear. I think he'll wear them and NO one is going to say a thing to him!
Connie, so true about that boy in the future! Those kids crack me up!
I think one of the best things about our class is the acceptance by everyone. If that could only go on forever.
Love it! So tender one minute and laughing the next! You're great!
:-D I am ALL ABOUT BUNNY EARS! Love this, Kaz!
i miss that age when you don't know what self-conscious means because you've tasted mostly acceptance. but i forgot when the pang of rejection first hit me and self-consciousness started...hmmm, maybe it's best forgotten :-)
THat is cute. :) kids are so fun.
It was nice to meet you today. :)
Too funny! I teach preschool and TOTALLY relate to what you're saying! Kids are so funny all the time, love the pink fuzzy bunny ears too!
Great meeting you today, it was so fun!
It was great meeting you today! I love putting actual faces to the people I stalk!!
So much fun!
We missed you guys at lunch!
That's hilarious (the punch), and I love the image of that boy wearing the bunny ears. Just love, love, love that he knows no reason not to right now.
I don't think punching butters in line is just for kindergartners. I know I still get the urge every once in awhile:)
Fun to meet you Saturday, too!
Hey, I want to give you a blog award. Go here to see it:
The world would truly be a better place if more of us donned fuzzy bunny ears before attempting our usual tasks.
p.s. How DARE you cut in line in front of one of those sweet little punch-throwing kindergartners?!?
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