preparing the soil

CS Lewis once said, Make me a field that is replowed over and over again. I have always loved this idea because it is tangible and full of sweat and hard work. I know that I need my land reworked. I need to be ripped up and replanted, cultivated, and redone in the new season.
Sometimes the plow is my job. Sometimes my family. But my goal is to be ready for it, and willing to have the soil turned and turned until I produce the best crop possible.
I'm glad that you enjoy the outdoor work of plowing. I'm still working on it. ;)
I think that one of the lovelist of metaphors ever.
It's what repentance/change feels like. It's rough, but we end up fresher when all is said and done.
Beautifully put - thought provoking and inspiring.
Also, you have hot lips.
I think your field has been turned over more than a few times. Must be ready to plant the seeds of your choice. The harvest should be plentiful.
It's a beautiful metaphor.
Oh! I've never heard that quote. That is perfect! Really, you can be doing it right for a long time but after a while you just lose something. I guess that's after harvesting, and time to rework and replant.
That really is a great metaphor. One I need to ponder also.
I love that, its so beautiful and well put. I needed to hear that, thank you!
This time of year, when I'm outside with my hands in the soil, I spend more time thinking about metaphors of the earth. I had not heard this quote from CS Lewis, but I love it. It's only eleven short words, but I'm going to be mulling it over for quite a while.
Your best crop is just around the corner waiting for you.
I like that saying a lot! Thanks for sharing...I think I could use a good -replowing right about now:)
And also, just read below that you said you turned 45. Really? Cuz I would NOT have guessed that from meeting your Saturday. I fully would've gone younger.
That is a way cool picture.
And this mental picture is way cool too. The plowing can be so painful, but it's refining is always good.
Barbaloot- I love ya!~
You have the most amazing thought provoking stuff on your posts. That is good ---something to think about for sure. My field is probably a mess!!!!!!!! lots of work, better get started eh.
"Willing" is the word. So many aren't because it hurts. Hey, you and I are the same age! Or will be in September . ..
I think plowing is painful! :)
:-P LOL.
I just need a little mulch and some fertilizer :)
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