"my men are merely softening up your defenses to prepare for our impending invasion"

We had chicken and rice for dinner and then quickly cleaned up before sweet Brother Osborn came over to check on the mental and spiritual health of the family. He is an angel with a dark gray suit and kind handshake.

After the visit Geo broke out some secret chocolate truffles and called me aside to share one with me. Like medicine in golden foil. Mmmmmm.

Then Geo said he wanted everyone to wait for him in the living room because he wanted to share something with us. Immediately the boys looked at me concerned. I have no idea, guys. Just wait and see. In walks G with his laptop, and he asks the boys to squeeze in on the couch to watch a cheesy 50's sci-fi free podcast movie with him. Radar Men From the Moon, featuring Commando Cody.

So I stretched out on the floor and took a picture of their cute feet. Husband's mismatched socks and all.


Heather of the EO | April 19, 2009 at 7:48 PM

I love it. :)

Heidi | April 19, 2009 at 7:58 PM

That quote at the beginning is priceless. Do I recognize it? (i.e. is it a known quote I should know or did you make it up?)

Karen Mello Burton | April 19, 2009 at 8:08 PM

H-it came from the beyond-campy movie the guys were watching. :)

CHERRANNE | April 19, 2009 at 9:48 PM

LOL. :-D Way Fun! p.s. I am really anxiously awaiting more Musical Mondays-Whenever You are ready, of course. :-)

Lara Neves | April 20, 2009 at 1:00 AM


Connie | April 20, 2009 at 5:51 AM

Whose feet are missing?

Sounds like a fun Sunday night activity. I think Geo must know his family... chocolate for you, sci-fi for the boys...what a guy. Should we take up a collection for socks?

Luann | April 20, 2009 at 6:35 AM

The photo is perfect, and I love that quote.

I'm sure Scott would love to borrow that movie sometime. And can I "borrow" that chocolate?

Karen Mello Burton | April 20, 2009 at 7:38 AM

Donations for socks would be great. He just doesn't care about stuff like that. He finds two dark socks and pulls 'em on. I would go for a chocolate donation too...

Melanie Jacobson | April 20, 2009 at 8:45 AM

This could so easily be a night and a picture at our house. With the bare feet slightly smaller. Classic.

LisAway | April 20, 2009 at 9:12 AM

Oh Sheesh. I think Greg and Geo have a lot in common. Greg gets a real kick out of funky, old, weird, lame and/or obscure films. And loves to share them.

wendy | April 20, 2009 at 8:23 PM

Ah, that's sweet -- I mean dad and sons all geek like sitting on the couch watching a sci-fi show. bonding. that's the greatest.