Lately, I find I am either in a state of thinking 100% about everyone else, or 100% percent about my own "things". I don't like the extremes, but that's what I seem to be facing lately, and I am trying to deal with it.
I sit at my desk at work while my kiddos are in PE or at the library and my mind goes straight to my two older boys as I think about their life changes they are facing. One of them will be coming home and needing a job- to pay his own way, to hit the ground running. The other one will be leaving, to... somewhere. He will be so good at meeting people and following rules and doing what he is asked to do. And mostly, at sharing his huge heart that somehow he fits into his scrawny, freckly body. I love those guys.
#3 is healing up really well, and is on his way to getting his 13 yr-old life back to where he wants it to be. It's all good there. And last night my husband and I both wondered out loud if our youngest is feeling like he is getting enough attention and nurturing. We are doing our best to spread the love around, but you know how it is. Sometimes the weight needs to be shifted to one side.
And just when I put all the kid things to rest my mind does a 180 and I start to think about my own progress, or maybe lack of it. I am not a self-loather, seriously. I just feel a little bit tired of myself. What I need is to do some recreational reading and get inside someone else's head. It's getting crowded in here.